In Brazil, there is a recurring theme involving women who become mothers. Judgment. It seems as if society feels free to judge them and impose a “motherhood standard” causing women to eventually start self-judging and doubting their own decisions. O Boticário, the largest chain of Beaty products and perfumes in Brazil, has as one of its values to promote women’s self-esteem. And there’s no better period than Mother’s Day to take the opportunity to do more than thank and congratulate, but to raise issues that are really relevant to their self-esteem.
O Boticário Dia das Mães 2022 / Tribunal            
Almap BBDO
Creatives: Fernando Christo, Ingryd Guimarães,
Luz Arroyo, Pedro Hefs
ECD: Fernando Duarte, Henrique Del Lama
CCO: Marco Giannelli (Pernil)
Diretor: Otavio Machado
Produtora: Stink